Friday, March 28, 2008 @ 4:15 PM
was freaking bored now. GRRRR,someone entertain me ? saw sister running from the window of my classroom. and the next moment,i heard that she vomitted. oh man , oh man . i love my sister okay ! i think im mad-.- , hahah. pon choir today,as no one is going-.-, went home instead of going gekpoh with them. it's so hurting. @ 1:43 PM
was tagged by longjin to do this; 1] At what age do you wish to marry? when im 2oplus ? 2] What i want the most now? urm, goodie goodie friends. 3] Who is the person I thrust most? no ideaa 4] Who would you choose between friends or him/her ? friends. 5] If you can have a dream to come true,what would it be? no ideaaa. 6] Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain? yes ! :D 7] What are you afraid to lose the most now? everyone i know. 8] Do you believe in eternity love? yes. 9] If you meet someone that you love,would you confess to him/her? i dunno. 10] List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. he is nice&loving,most importantly,he has manhood ! :] 11] What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? hmmm.. 12] What feeling do you hate the most? alone&when it hurts. 13] Do you cherish everyone single friendship of yours? yes. 14] Do you believe in God ? yes. 15] What do you think is the most important thing in your life? family&friends. 16] Do you find it a need for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend? not for now. 17] At this point of time,would you rather stay in your comfort zone or try something new? new. 18] If there's a chance for you have a lunch with a celebrity,who will it be? anyone. 19] describe the person who tagged you in 5 words. nicenice:) 20] What do you enjoy the most? having fun with everyone. Instructions: Remove 1 question from above,and add in your personal question,make it a total of 20 questions,then tag 8 people in your list,list them out at the end of this post.Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged.whoever does the tag will have blessing from all.People who've been tagged: ANYONE, :] Tuesday, March 25, 2008 @ 9:33 PM
home econ ytd,oh man. bake chocolate chip cookie with jessica and turned out to be like OMG, :P, quite nice though. after that was PE,was late and end up jus standing. history was boring,cher didnt came. recess & then was maths. science,all boys was like pervert. -.- reading and then was tempting ALVINCHIA as he is HUNGRY. :x keep on making me laugh, then was form teacher period. after school,went choir.HAHA, :D today had science for the first period,then geography. boredboredbored. :X ohyeaaaaaa,then was urmmm,english. recess&literatureeeeee. literature was funn lahs. :) chinese lesson was next,as usual,cher was angry,she ask waihou go take beta forms. -.- and then rap and then selfstudy. rushed to the library to print project work.mannnnnnn. went bukitchantu, was kind of boring,oh no, im going crazy. Saturday, March 22, 2008 @ 11:34 PM
service was great today. the drama @expo was like woahhhhh,super nice and impactful. had alot of fun after service lahs,woah. :D:D, 谢佳俊 says: TeReCiA... how are u? are u fine? nice to meet u.. aha..u from what sch? what class? u know a gay name alvin? haha.. okok. Bye. alvin always crapppppppppppppppp ! alright alvinnnnnnnn,was always fun sitting beside you in school, you always nvr fail to make me laugh with ur monkey faceeeeee ! opps* dun kill meeeeeee AHBUAHBA ! :D &shihui, cheer up lah(: , everybody have problems in life , dun give uppp , i'll be there for you hur ! terecia love youuuuuuu ! Wednesday, March 19, 2008 @ 8:53 PM
thanks shihui&gladys:P i will take care. @ 2:12 PM
ello terecia!!! =DD i gladys la! XD i cme ur blog post u will nt mind de hor?! anyway, take care of urself good! or else u is not de can joke & laugh wif us everydae de terecia liao ler! so must SMILES! =DD love u! XP Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 9:14 PM
when im weak,you are strong. you're my feet when i cant move on. you're the light,in the dark. you're the whisper inside my heart. ur encouragement brightens up my day. Sunday, March 16, 2008 @ 9:54 PM
meet joyce&sarah 9plus,joyce came my house and then we went to meet sarah . ate breakfast and then jonathan came. heh,went zilin house&then buy bubble tea. off to booking seats after that. :] service was super duper great. well,i loveeee pastor phil's preaching lahs. went to eat after service&then to chuch cafe. today was happy&sad day for me. anw, HAPPYBIRTHDAY ZIYANG ! :D &ohman,school's starting tmr,alvin alvin ! Saturday, March 15, 2008 @ 11:37 PM
![]() RESPECT is loveeeee ! :D okkkk,ytd had so called "iron-man", was fun anddddddddd hope all that went had a breakthrough. so,joyce&zilin came to my house and waited for me while they use com. hahah,and then i cooked marcoroni for them to eat. and that's ourrrr lunchh, then went to buy some things and and meet sarah,went hoho house tgt. played games,run down hoho house and finish task, it's fun&niceeeeee, next waas section 1 & then games again. then section2,water bomb, we win water bomb lahs ! LOL,then then to prayer meeting and homeeeee. :] was a fun fun fun day. today today,woke up at 9am. realise changes, went to buy stuffs for refreshment and went to summer dile. &i saw mstay!hah,okkkk, then cg&play games. games was fun fun:) didnt went sentosa today,instead,we watched movie. STEPUP 2 ! nice show lahs.i like the dancingggggggg, :o after that,went longjohn to eat & walked ard to search for present. and to colour court.slack there and then went homeeee. JIAYOU SARAH,JOYCE,SEOWTING&KARJUN!:D &seowshi,tor,amber,thanks for all the love&care(: Friday, March 07, 2008 @ 11:15 PM
well,my phone was confiscated by my mum for one day. was without my phone for the whole day and was like, OHMAN,OHMY ! :/ meet shihui,gladys&shuting at jp,i was late and they waited for quite long i think. so sorry hur ! blahblahhhh,went bugis . ate YOSHINOYA,man,hahahs. then went to shoppp. bought some things,hahaaaa,was fun but tiredd. went to watch ahlong pte after shopping. & now,im tiredddddd&hungry. YAWNS* ps.the words you said really hurts me alot. Saturday, March 01, 2008 @ 9:39 PM
woke up at 12 today.
decided to watch movie with my sister and david after my sis came back from guitar lesson. then ziyang joined too. hahah,watched the leap years.the show was very nice lahs. lol.walked ard jp and then to colour court. look at ziyang they all play bball awhile then go to pioneer mall. ate dinner there . david was very funnyyyyyyyy lahs. hahaha.then went central and walk home. :D . |
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