Sunday, January 30, 2011 @ 5:32 PM
Saturday, January 29, 2011 @ 5:15 PM
![]() WE WENT................... china town to buy melon seeds, flea for accessories, china town point(swesen) to celebrate natalie's bday, golden mill and lastly, visit grandparents at red hill :)) ![]() Wednesday, January 26, 2011 @ 10:06 PM
![]() The day before, baked/decorate cupcakes for hou,ms nala and friends ;) Cookie monster heh heh!! Cute not! not sure if it tasted nice, haha. so as usual, piles of homework. everyday im looking forward to thurs(late day) and weekends to arrive so that i can rest and sleep!! i experienced myself being sleepy and peeps caught me daydreaming in class :$ what a bad habit. heheh!!! remedial today then did hwk in school with af and hou, after that, hsh with amy af eya and james :D testssss coming ahead, real fast!! 3feb come quick plz:P heh. till here, ciaoss!! Monday, January 24, 2011 @ 4:12 PM
Didnt attend school today, wasnt feeling wellll. sad thing was that i missed one session of choir practice, hope i can catch up! So stayed home, rested :) waiting for sist to be home :) Labels: . Friday, January 21, 2011 @ 11:00 PM
Craving for this beef chili cheese fries but only avaliable @ USS!! :( Ok school is getting busier than i can even expect. tests soon. will still find time to blog though :) Tuesday, January 18, 2011 @ 6:45 PM
Labels: . Monday, January 17, 2011 @ 6:41 PM
will miss her very much!!! indeed,she's very motherly :)
choir is fun, learned syf piece songs!!! hsh @ 6 + :) Sunday, January 16, 2011 @ 5:40 PM
Sometimes i just wanna runaway, i, i, i, i just was wanna run
Saturday, January 15, 2011 @ 11:26 PM
NO STRESS NO STRESSS ☹ Labels: . Thursday, January 13, 2011 @ 11:13 PM
No doubt, today is one of the happiest day of my life. Trip to elderly care today. After this week, gonna have lots of hwk etc etc!! so shall cherish these three days of course ^.^ Pictures : ![]() Love the elderly there! :) Labels: trip to elderly care Monday, January 10, 2011 @ 6:15 PM
Love choir :) Labels: . Saturday, January 08, 2011 @ 11:43 PM
![]() beef chilli fries with cheese ;) yummy! Last min call from huining, she asked if i wanted to accompany her to flea market, so i agreed. met hou and hurry off to meet her! ^.^ oh yeah thanks hou for accompanying me home and then to pioneer mrt for some reasons. Met huining at somerset and we headed to flea ;) huining and i bought the same top for cny but diff colour! love it very much! hehe! it was super funny because every thing we touched seems to drop. from hangers to clothes to price card boards to one very ridiculous thing that happen which is the whole "pole" to hang the clothes dropped off. was super shocked and O-M-G. our "suay" hands !!!! headed for dinner @ cine leisure's pontian wanton shop(?) our first time trying and it was delicious! ^.^ we chat about the most random-est things and share our life stories to one another for like an hour. was an awesome time! had best fries forever after that and last round shopping @ flea then hsh:) was crazily laughing at huining on the mrt while testing an app of cam effects, she looks super funny! hehehe! we WOW-ED when a nice effect came out like we nv seen the effect before. hehe! great day after all! cant wait to meet her again! ♥ ok shall pack my cupboard, finish my homework and hopefully baking session with sist tmr :) Ciaos people! Labels: flea with huining Friday, January 07, 2011 @ 10:39 PM
![]() Overall, School was the best today!!! <3 D&T was funny, mr leow was a funny teacher. Great to have him this year, think will be a little strict? but well, its ok i guess! :) 10 rounds around the carpark for Pe, like phew. i made it without having stomach cramp the first time!! oh anw,i day dreamed alot during maths today. thankfully i was able to catch up. :) After school, had CCA open house. Although it was rushing, CCA open house today was totally awesome!! went up, down the school helping teacher to get stuff! love spending time with my choir mates just hanging around talking nonsense. Especially with Shirley, enning, zhi yan, tammy, jocelyn and marie! marie and tammy did lots of crazy stuffs! <3 all of them ^.^ lastly, waited for amy, james,eya and af. Saw izmi and everyone misses him super much!! hsh with amy and eya @ 6+ 7 !! Cant wait for monday's choir to arrive! Labels: open house, school Wednesday, January 05, 2011 @ 6:43 PM
Busy with choir for now becus it's cca orientation this week!! Labels: choir Tuesday, January 04, 2011 @ 8:10 PM
yes indeed, i cant sleep last night! in the end, 4 hours of sleep:((( First day of school today, everything was just awesome even though i was bored + sleepy @ some point of time! Syafiq hassim is my partner this year ;) sadly my friends are far apart from me!! got eagles award today. :) And so after school, had lunch with af, adi ayad and shalini @ gp's kfc ;) its been a long time since i been there. bought stuffs i needed, went to shalini's house as af and adi went home. So yeah we waited for amy to arrive and sure we had lots of laughter! hsh @ 6+! Labels: 1st day of sch Sunday, January 02, 2011 @ 8:02 PM
Out with ntuc friends today, cherilyn, xin yi, george and zhaowei :) i was late for like 30 mins! sorry!! Had lunch @ thai express! love the coconut ice cream even though i cant seem to finish it, must try it if you ever go there!:) wanted to watch movie, but the timing is just not right!! decided to go science centre, but when we reached, it was alrdy 5+ pm, and it closes at 6. And when we was about to plan to go another location, it rained. like ahyo!! all the plans we think of fails!! but i still had a great time with them :D will meet them again soon!! Je library to rest + wait for rain to stop. Dinner @ mos burger and hsh ;) oh and i got my sandals today, it was the last piece of stock. count myself lucky? heee! Labels: . Saturday, January 01, 2011 @ 7:53 PM
Lunched at sakae with family + aunt and natalie today :) bought my new yr clothes again!!! shopped then had laksa for dinner! yummy ttm cus its been a long time since i had it, becus my tummy couldnt take spicy food but i love spicy food :( visited grandparents, homed after that!! craving for redondo's wafer chocolate biscuit! 1/1/11 today! Labels: . @ 4:00 AM
Labels: hopefully |
Hi, i love to daydream very much✿
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